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Female Australasian figbird

Sphecotheres vieilloti


The Australasian Figbird has a total length of 27-29,5 cm (10½-11½ in),and a jizz comparable to that of other orioles. It is sexually dimorphic, and the racial differences are almost entirely limited to the male. Males of all subspecies have a black tail with broad white tips to the outer rectrices, white crissum, blackish primaries, a black head, distinct bright red facial skin, a black bill with a red base, and pinkish legs. Females are drab-coloured, being dull brownish above, and white below with strong dark streaking. They have greyish facial skin, and a greyish-black bill.


As suggested by their name, Australasian Figbirds are largely frugivorous, but also take small insects, nectar and small seeds.While largely a resident species (although the southern population may be migratory), it is nomadic in response to the availability of food. Unlike most orioles, Australasian Figbirds are gregarious, often forming flocks of 20 to 40 birds during the non-breeding season, and even breeding in small, loose colonies


See other spottings for the male figbird.

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AliceGreenup 11 years ago

Thanks, fortunately i know it's favorite sleeping spot!

lori.tas 11 years ago

Well spotted.

Spotted by

New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Aug 17, 2012
Submitted on Aug 17, 2012

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