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Hover Fly

Simosyrphus grandicornis


attracted to the light in my flat. probably had its resting place on a twig or grass disturbed and was looking for a lit place to land

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StephenSolomons 10 years ago

Yeah it does seem to be a flatty. The weather warnings are up for an el nina, a bad one which will make the whole east coast dry. I think they said the east coast. Keep some water supplies about the garden and mist a few of the places bugs hide and it may keep them coming through the worst of it.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

I know very little about these.. other than I have found both flat and round abdomen ones and they were not easy to ID. It just looks flat in this pic by the 'hard' margin and lack of round in the banding. We're only getting 'roundies' here at the moment. So dry!!

StephenSolomons 10 years ago

re: the abdomen, impossible to tell from the phot but I remember being certain at the time I had a flat abdomened hover fly. Have you a thought it might be something else? My memory is dementia level bad

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Interesting it was attracted to light. I haven't seen many syrphids do that. A flat abdomen too?

Spotted by

New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Jan 12, 2014
Submitted on Jan 12, 2014

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