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Green Catbird

Ailuroedus crassirostris


Although they belong to the bowerbird family, male Green Catbirds do not build bowers and only mate with one female, helping her to defend and feed their offspring.


The Green Catbird is a large, stout green bird, spotted white, with a dusky crown, nape and face and a white bill. The eye is red. Juveniles are duller in colour. It can also resemble the immature or female Satin Bowerbird, which has a distinctly blue eye, a dark bill and a more scalloped patterning on the underbody, while the upper body is a more olive-green.


Cat-like mewing; sometimes likened to the cry of a human baby.

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1 Comment

Maria dB
Maria dB 11 years ago

lovely spotting

Spotted by

4570, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Feb 1, 2011
Submitted on Aug 28, 2012

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