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Regent Bowerbird

Sericulus chrysocephalus


Male: Brilliant black and yellow. The crown to upper mantle rich golden yellow, (sometimes tinted carmine) of which the feathers are short, crisp and plush, rest of the back is black with broad band of golden-yellow across flight feathers. Tail is black with bow-like pointed outer feathers. Underparts and side of head is black with line over eye, which is a bright yellow. Bill is yellow and the feet and claws are black.


Subtropical rain forests and outer edges in the Eastern Australia Region. This Regent Bowerbird was perched, for just a few minutes, on a Jacaranda Tree, sundown. Observed in my backyard.


The call is a harsh, churring squawk, te-aar and similar squeaky notes uttered by both sexes , as contact low explosive chatterings and hisses. There's possibly some mimicry by the adult males, during breeding, as part of display rituals. Also, to a lesser extent, by females and immatures. Photos edited. Ref:- Readers' Digest Complete Book of Australian Birds.

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1 Comment

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 4 years ago

Excellent spotting. I've yet to see this particular species myself. Maybe around Bunya Mnts where I sometimes visit? I do see the satin bowerbirds around Main Range NP.

Single D
Spotted by
Single D

Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Aug 2, 2019
Submitted on Apr 16, 2020

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