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Roseate Spoonbill

Platalea ajaja


The roseate spoonbill nests in colonies. Males and females pair off for the breeding season and build a nest together. They build large nests of sticks lined with grass and leaves. The nests are built in trees. The female spoonbill lays two to four eggs. Both the female and the male incubate the eggs. The chicks hatch in about three weeks and fledge in around 35 to 42 days. Both the male and female feed the chicks until they are about eight weeks old. Young roseate spoonbills have white feathers with a slight pink tinge on the wings. They don't reach maturity until they are three years old.


Lake Martin Bird Sanctuary is located in southwest Louisiana near Breaux Bridge. This is a large rookery.


This one was moving about the limbs tugging at twigs and sticks.

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Louisiana, USA

Spotted on Apr 21, 2013
Submitted on Apr 29, 2013

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