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Noisy Miner (aggressive parents)

Manorina melanocephala


The aggressive posturing of Noisy Miner parents - arched back, lowered head, angry eyes - all give a clear indication of their intentions. Since early June the parents have been dive-bombing all and sundry near the nesting tree. I would love to have taken photos of them in attack mode, but alas they are way too fast. Here are the chick they've been protecting - (one week old) (2 weeks old) Now that the chicks are capable of modest flight between the trees, the parents have relaxed their assaults on humans. Other birds, however, are still prime targets. Even the Brahminy Kites (raptors) which frequent the wetlands area are wary of these birds because miners are fearless!


This is the end of my Noisy Miner series. As the chicks are now airborne, it won't be long before they are begging for handouts at lunchtime. I don't encourage the feeding of wild birds, but as they are fed junk food by other people (as is usually the case), I occasionally bring them some kangaroo mince. It's very lean meat and excellent protein, and much healthier than hamburgers and deep fried chips. All the birds love roo mince!

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Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

It knows me well already. Once the kids are out of the way it'll be checking out my lunch... along with the magpies and butcherbirds. Cats at home, birds at work?! C'mon guys, let me eat in peace :-/

kdpicturemaker 10 years ago

Great series! It's remembering you Neil...for next time!

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

I'm really glad you like the pics, Jae. It's been so much fun watching these birds attack people. Some of the sound I've heard people make, well, I didn't know humans could make those sorts of sounds. It cracks me up LOL Can't wait until the next batch of chicks arrive. Ah, life's simple pleasures :-)

Jae 10 years ago

Awesome captures and I love your description, Neil Ross.
It puts a big smile on my face.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

Thanks, Leuba. They are funny critters and have put the fear of God into many an unsuspecting pedestrian. It's quite frightening to see one flying straight for your face at full speed, and you lock eyes with theirs. Only at the very last second do they veer away. There's been lots of swearing on the hill these past few weeks.

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 10 years ago

Great pics Neil, especially the first one with a sparkle in the eye ! They make me laugh with their cross-eyed look and are so noisy that I often hurry past in case someone thinks I am hassling them.

Neil Ross
Spotted by
Neil Ross

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Jul 1, 2014
Submitted on Jul 11, 2014

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