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Noisy Miner chicks (one week old)

Manorina melanocephala


One week old Noisy Miner chicks. They hatched on June 25, 2014, or at least that's when all the noise started. What I thought was only two chicks turns out to be three. Needless to say, the parents are very aggressive. Information on the original spotting - And here are the chicks at two weeks of age -


The nest is up quite high and my arms just aren't long enough to get any closer. Due to foliage there is only one angle that photos can be taken from, and the sun is always in the background. Not the easiest shots, and certainly not the best I have ever taken... but they will have to do. Due to all the dive-bombing by the parents of everyone in the general vicinity of the tree, they (mother and/or father) have earned the name "Little Bastard!", usually preceded by "you" or "that". Enough said.

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Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Locks !?... Oh those were the days.

kdpicturemaker 10 years ago

Grafton's big race week is on now, you could try it out there first! Anyway, fancy hats are for the birds. I have the little birds such as sitellas & fntails trying to land on my head but not in an aggressive manner, they are quite friendly but I think they're checking out the locks for some nesting material!

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

Thanks, kd. I've been a little bit more creative with my language. They've been snapping past my head so much these past 3 weeks (whilst I've been taking photos), I could just about wear them as a hat to the Melbourne Cup. That would turn a few heads ;-)

kdpicturemaker 10 years ago

Beautiful photos Neil. Love the story in notes! Seems like a common name...such a hilarious story. I can picture it and hear it as I've probably muttered the same thing myself many times!

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

Oh Mark, you are funny. These little birds are being stuffed to the max. Miners will be miners, but you know that already haha

SukanyaDatta 10 years ago

Just joking, since I did offer to send you my ladder (but never did :). I have read your notes about how you got the photos...just writing to say how much I loved seeing those chicks...and of course, the parent bird. Thanks again.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

I'm so glad you put that feeding shot at the end. The suspense was killing me.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

No, Sukanya, I didn't. I could climb the tree, but the birds would get really stressed. I would love to have a closer look but will have to admire from a distance for the time being. When the chicks are larger they'll be easier to see.

SukanyaDatta 10 years ago

So you did get a ladder, Neil. Thanks. Love the chicks.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

Thanks, Ava. It's hilarious watching how different people react to the parents, and the name has been well-earned (and used frequently). It just cracks me up :-)

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 10 years ago

Sweet photos and funny note.

Neil Ross
Spotted by
Neil Ross

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Jul 3, 2014
Submitted on Jul 3, 2014

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