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Great cormorant

Phalacrocorax carbo carbo


This series of photos were taken during a visit to an island in the river Ångermanälven. The great comorant have taken over the place and there are over a thousand pairs breeding in the top of the trees. The adult cormorants is approximately 80-95 cm long, has a wingspan of 130-160 cm and weighs about 2.5 kilos. The male is slightly larger than the female.


Island in the river Ångermanälven


Cormorants droppings consist largely of caustic ammonia, making it difficult for vegetation near, and under the nests to survive. Therefore it is common that the bird completely takes over small islands which locally can have major consequences. These islands are characterized by dead trees and lack of other vegetation. If the bird disappears, the ammonia convertes to nitrate, which acts as a fertilizer and the island quickly regains its vegetation. This bird mainly feeds of fish (about a kilo/day) and many fishermen see in the great cormorant a competitor for fish. Because of this it was nearly hunted to extinction in the past. However, according to the Swedish Wikipedia "Studies have shown that the species has little effect on fish stocks and reduced fish populations has not been observed where cormorants newly established itself".

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Tiz 10 years ago

Thank you very much Adarsha. You always have such nice comments :)

Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 10 years ago

Such a delight to watch :)

Tiz 10 years ago

Thank you very much Daniele! :)

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Wonderful series Tiz! It's got it all :-)

Spotted by

Högsjö församling, Västernorrlands län, Sweden

Spotted on Jul 16, 2014
Submitted on Jul 16, 2014

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