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Common Wasps Nest

Vespula vulgaris


On a recent visit to the UK, Mother-in-Law asked us to clean out her shed. We thought we might come across the odd cob web or spider but were not prepared for this masterpiece. Unfortunately because the shed is right by her front door we had to destroy the nest and kill the wasps. The wasps had been very busy and their were several layers of white eggs inside and lots of angry wasps.

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LSmonster 12 years ago

Wow. You should check out the wasp nest in the university of Cambridge zoology museum. It's the biggest ever found in the uk. Still... I wouldn't want to find this one either...

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 12 years ago

You're welcome Janice. This is an especially artful nest!

Janice Parr
Janice Parr 12 years ago

Thanks for letting me know about this mission Ava T-B, I have added this spotting.

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 12 years ago

Please consider adding this lovely nest to the Animal Architecture mission at

Janice Parr
Janice Parr 12 years ago

We did feel really bad at having to destroy such a structure.

Atul 12 years ago

really well made nest
must have been a task making this one
nice spotting Janice

Saarbrigger 12 years ago

Impressive structur.

Janice Parr
Spotted by
Janice Parr

East Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom

Spotted on Jun 17, 2011
Submitted on Jul 18, 2011

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