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Dead Leaf Grasshopper


Chorotypus sp. - A spectacular grasshopper which mimics dried leaf for protection. Due to its almost perfect camouflage, it is hard to spot making it quite rarely seen in the wild. From the front it looks quite flat like an actual leaf too. Turns out it glows under ultraviolet light too.


Found at night low on the forest floor vegetations in a lowland primary rainforest.


Spotted recently during a macro nightwalk trip with fellow PN member - Albert Kang.

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ChunXingWong 2 years ago

Thanks Sukanya. Nightwalk is one of the best activities!

SukanyaDatta 2 years ago

I can just imagine the scene... Wonderful find.

ChunXingWong 2 years ago

AlbertKang spotted it. We were specially looking out for mimicry insects so this leaf seems a bit odd and turns out it is a grasshopper!

SukanyaDatta 2 years ago

Couldn't believe my ever did YOU spot it?

Spotted by

Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Spotted on Feb 23, 2022
Submitted on Mar 1, 2022

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