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Gray-tailed Mountain-gem (male)

Lampornis cinereicauda


The Grey-tailed Mountaingem or Gray-tailed Mountaingem (Lampornis castaneoventris cinereicauda) is a hummingbird which breeds only in the mountains of southern Costa Rica. It is 10.5 cm long. The male weighs 6.2 g and the female 5 g. The shortish black bill is slightly curved.


A small hummingbird seen in my friend's yard in the Valley of the Quetzals, San Gerardo do Dota. This bird inhabits forested areas in hilly terrain, and is found at altitudes from 1850 m to the timberline in the Talamanca range. It is 10.5 cm long. The male weighs 6.2 g and the female 5 g. The shortish black bill is slightly curved.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Gray-tailed Mountain-gem (male)
Lampornis cinereicauda Hummingbirds of Costa Rica - Photo Gallery

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San José, Costa Rica

Spotted on Oct 16, 2013
Submitted on Nov 17, 2013

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