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Jean-François Cudennec

Jean-François Cudennec

Marine biology student, naturalist and amateur photographer

Brest, France

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Jean-François Cudennec Red-breasted nuthatch
Red-breasted nuthatch commented on by Jean-François Cudennec Rimouski, Québec, Canada9 years ago

Here in Quebec birds are really not shy. People use feed them with seeds to make them come closer. And finally, birds sit on hands, even without seeds. Really nice moment !

Jean-François Cudennec Stoat
Stoat commented on by Jean-François Cudennec Rimouski, Québec, Canada9 years ago


Jean-François Cudennec Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle commented on by Jean-François Cudennec Muleshoe, Texas, USA9 years ago

Congrats for your SOTD!

Jean-François Cudennec Hazel dormouse
Hazel dormouse commented on by Jean-François Cudennec Limousin, Tromelin Island9 years ago

Thanks for the nomination Fyn!

Jean-François Cudennec Silver-washed Fritillary
Silver-washed Fritillary commented on by Jean-François Cudennec Limousin, Tromelin Island9 years ago

Thanks to both of you for the ID!

Jean-François Cudennec Apollo
Apollo commented on by Jean-François Cudennec Clermont-Ferrand, Auvergne, Tromelin Island9 years ago

Thanks for your encouragement!

Jean-François Cudennec Imperial Tortoise Beetle
Imperial Tortoise Beetle commented on by Jean-François Cudennec SC, Brazil9 years ago


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