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Every spotting is a puzzle piece in the jigsaw puzzle of life. When the picture begins to appear, there is no reason to cease working.

Oregon Coast

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Dan Doucette Jonathan Sequeira Ashish KennethCox
mm3281323 jazz.mann Giovani Mel11
KarenSaxton Smew
Smew commented on by KarenSaxton Seattle, Washington, United States2 years ago

My Booby pics are not Noah quality - barely ebird. She is hanging on a channel marker except to fly. Even the local big guns with huge barrel lenses aren't getting anything great. She's fun to watch hunt, though!

KarenSaxton Northern feather duster worm
Northern feather duster worm commented on by KarenSaxton Port Angeles, Washington, United States2 years ago

That's not very far from the Ferry landing! There was a time we made fairly frequent trips that way to visit friends in Canada.

KarenSaxton snowy plover
snowy plover commented on by KarenSaxton Bandon, Oregon, United States2 years ago

Thank you! That was our singular goal Friday - too see these guys. We had one accidental sighting last month, when a juvie, apparently made a wrong turn with a group of semi-palmateds & sanderlings and ended up just slightly inland from this location, feeding at the edge of a small creek.

KarenSaxton Smew
Smew commented on by KarenSaxton Seattle, Washington, United States2 years ago

I would love to see one. Maybe we'll get lucky and get a rogue here - currently enjoying a Brown Booby hanging out in our bay, so I suppose anything could happen

KarenSaxton Smew
Smew commented on by KarenSaxton Seattle, Washington, United States2 years ago

Looks like someone took a fine-line sharpie to him. What a cool find!

KarenSaxton porcupine(leucistic)
porcupine(leucistic) commented on by KarenSaxton Crescent City, California, United States3 years ago

Thank you, Neil! We tried to relocate him last month, as locals told us he was there "every" afternoon. Apparently(as most wildlife watchers know) not every.

KarenSaxton Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker commented on by KarenSaxton Winston, Oregon, United States3 years ago

It is, although in terms of world class zoos, not so much. Still they do care for the animals well and they all have space to roam, good food etc. But in terms of birding it's a fun place - several of the security stations have bird feeders. We go there about once a month just to relax and unwind. The last time we went was a school afternoon. One section allows feeding of animals (their normal pelleted rations)and obviously not many had been through, so the crowned crane and some asian antelopes and deer practically pushed their heads in the window even though we didn't have food. All in all, I do recommend it and yes, you'll see acorn woodpeckers. Go early, before there are so many cars you can't just hang out and watch them

KarenSaxton porcupine(leucistic)
porcupine(leucistic) commented on by KarenSaxton Crescent City, California, United States3 years ago

Thank you. It was pretty awesome to see, especially only about 2 hours from home!

KarenSaxton porcupine(leucistic)
porcupine(leucistic) commented on by KarenSaxton Crescent City, California, United States3 years ago

Thank you, Michael! It's an honor.

KarenSaxton Violet-green swallow
Violet-green swallow commented on by KarenSaxton Auburn, Washington, United States3 years ago

Nice shot. Love them!

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