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Amphiprion polymnus
Varying amounts of black to dark brown and yellow orange; white head bar and broad somewhat forward slanding mid-body bad; white edging on black tail.
Usually with Haddon's Anemone on sandy bottoms from shallows up to 35 meters depth.
This spotting is to illustrate the parental care of the Anemonefishes. They lay their Eggs on coral rubbles/rocks and sometimes broken glasses/plates next to their Anemone host. If not mistaken, the Eggs will takes up to 2 weeks before they hatches. Meantime, the parents will take care of their Eggs by aerating and cleaning them constantly. For that, they uses their mouth to 'blow' and also their pectoral fins to 'fan' When brooding their Eggs, they can be quite aggressive, sometimes 'attacking' divers if the divers get too close to them. Although not dangerous, their bites can break the skins and cos some minor bleeding.
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