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Agustín Amenabar L

Agustín Amenabar L

Designer by profession. Cyclist, excursionist and nature enthusiast every time I can. Father of 3 nature enthusiast.

Santiago, Chile

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alicelongmartin SebastianAndrePastenFuenzalida Carolina Coni Camposano
TajSALDO elijahpeter141 mm3281323
Agustín Amenabar L Cuckoo Wasp
Cuckoo Wasp commented on by Agustín Amenabar L Lo Barnechea, XIII Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile9 years ago

Thanks Karen & Gilma.
I always thought these metallic coloured insects where exclusive of the tropics, but I've managed to photograph 2 species of these iridiscent wasps right at home.

Agustín Amenabar L Woodlouse spider
Woodlouse spider commented on by Agustín Amenabar L Portugal9 years ago

It looks like a Dysdera crocata to me. I see the often in my garden.

Agustín Amenabar L Orbicular Moth?
Orbicular Moth? commented on by Agustín Amenabar L Quellón, Chile9 years ago

Hello John!

I'm glad these images are useful to you. I have also updated the information here with what is on your site.
I have just sent you an email, sorry for the delay, I haven't been so active in Project Noah lately.
I have just uploaded the original set of images to flikr, with the original resolution, you can find it here:

Hope it helps.

Agustín Amenabar L wild ginger
wild ginger commented on by Agustín Amenabar L เชียงราย, จังหวัดเชียงราย, Thailand9 years ago

Stunning! Is it related to the ginger used to cook?

Agustín Amenabar L Central American Montane Tiger Beetle
Central American Montane Tiger Beetle commented on by Agustín Amenabar L Alajuela, Costa Rica9 years ago

Long live the weirdos with the camera! It's because of them (us) we have such stunning photos of the marvels mother nature has. Images that might be the basis of the conservation of less flamboyant species.

Agustín Amenabar L Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Agustín Amenabar L Recoleta, XIII Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile9 years ago

Esta es una Escalonia sp. conocidas como siete camisas. Son Preciosas! La flor no se abre más que eso.

Agustín Amenabar L Slime mold
Slime mold commented on by Agustín Amenabar L Zarasų miestas, Utenos apskritis, Lithuania10 years ago

WOW! next time I see mould I will surely look closer, this is beautiful!

Agustín Amenabar L Spotted Sand Diver
Spotted Sand Diver commented on by Agustín Amenabar L Romblon, Philippines10 years ago

It reminds me of an oarfish... (I know, I suck at fishes)
Congratulations! A well deserved SOTD

Agustín Amenabar L Ruby bonnet
Ruby bonnet commented on by Agustín Amenabar L Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Beautiful! Such great intense color!
Fantastic spotting!

Agustín Amenabar L Ruby Bonnet
Ruby Bonnet commented on by Agustín Amenabar L Melbourne, Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Stunning! Amazing gloss.

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