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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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Hunters & Animal Food Habits
1,013 participants
4,477 spottings

Hunters & Animal Food Habits

This mission is to document the food habits of animals from all genera.

The Color Blue
2,539 participants
5,863 spottings

The Color Blue

There are so many incredible animals in the color blue. However, at the same time, they are few when considering ...

Nature in Yellow
2,420 participants
12,696 spottings

Nature in Yellow

It would be so interesting to see all the yellow flowers, fruits, insects, animals of the world.

Animals with Warning Colors
879 participants
1,589 spottings

Animals with Warning Colors

Many animals use colors in the opposite way of camouflage. They have bright colors wich make them highly ...

Herbs & Spices – Source Plants
1,591 participants
2,640 spottings

Herbs & Spices – Source Plants

Herbs & spices have been used since ancient times. They have been used for cooking, as medicines, in religion, ...

Symbiotic Relationships
1,025 participants
1,647 spottings

Symbiotic Relationships

Symbiosis is close and often long-term interaction between different biological species. There are many example of ...

Captive Animals
2,473 participants
12,348 spottings

Captive Animals

While we are all so focused on animals in nature, we ignore the fact theres wildlife in our own zoos. edit: I ...

Pollinating Insects of the World
1,418 participants
11,765 spottings

Pollinating Insects of the World

Insects are the most important pollinators of flowering plants (Angiosperms). They are very valuable for humans, ...

Signs of Wildlife
2,983 participants
6,108 spottings

Signs of Wildlife

If you look carefully, there are signs of wildlife everywhere. From subtle animal tracks and abandoned spider ...

Global Coral Reef Monitoring
592 participants
5,544 spottings

Global Coral Reef Monitoring

The Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network works hard to improve management and conservation of coral reefs by ...

Birds of the World
12,836 participants
105,299 spottings

Birds of the World

There are over 10,000 living species of birds on the planet. They can be found in ecosystems across the globe, ...

The Color Red
5,860 participants
15,034 spottings

The Color Red

The color red is a bold color that represents passion. We would like to create a collection of wildlife images ...

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners
2,519 participants
3,382 spottings

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners

Curious which vegetable varieties might grow best in your garden? Cornell researchers are, too. We compile ...

buscando encinos en México
32 participants
50 spottings

buscando encinos en México

Los ENCINOS se encuentran dentro de la familia Fagaceae que comprende de seis a nueve géneros y alrededor de 600 a ...

Fruiting Bodies of the World
1,137 participants
6,261 spottings

Fruiting Bodies of the World

This mission is about mapping all the different kinds of fruiting bodies around the world. This doesn't ...

Mushroom Mapping
6,124 participants
29,006 spottings

Mushroom Mapping

Mushroom ecology is a pivotal orientation point for exploring urban systems. Help us gather important data and ...

Nests, hives, bowers, webs & other animal architecture
2,954 participants
9,477 spottings

Nests, hives, bowers, webs & ...

This mission is to document the incredible architectural abilities of animals from all genera.

Primate Watch
786 participants
1,476 spottings

Primate Watch

The Primate Specialist Group is a network of scientists and conservationists who stand against the tide of ...

WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity
7,224 participants
45,474 spottings

WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity

Millions of city-dwellers walk their local streets every day, but many overlook the multitude of animals and ...

Butterflies & Moths of the World
8,541 participants
78,187 spottings

Butterflies & Moths of the World

Butterflies and Moths are insects of the order Lepidoptera. Their brilliant colors have inspired artistic ...

Mission WILD
3,434 participants
43,042 spottings

Mission WILD

The WILD Foundation works to protect & interconnect at least half of the planet’s land & water to sustain the ...

Global Flight
1,347 participants
17,053 spottings

Global Flight

To create a magnificent collection of images of your favourite fliers. Not just birds, but bats, insects, even ...

Monarch Migration
1,136 participants
672 spottings

Monarch Migration

Where have you seen a Monarch? Help document Monarch migration by posting photos of your spottings.

Mexico Horn of Plenty
108 participants
11,901 spottings

Mexico Horn of Plenty

All year round vegetables grow thank to the 12hours sun,12hours shadow geographical sun position and the huge ...

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