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Golden Brown Shield Bugs

Anchises parvulus


This group of approx. 20 Shield Bugs was feeding on bird excrement found on a motor car. I usually see these bugs sparsely scattered on tree trunks, but this is the first time I've come across a group cluster like this. It was a writhing mass and they were just crawling over each other. Another possible ID option for this spotting is the Brown Long-headed Shield Bug (Austromalaya reticulata), but these specimens seem far too pale.


These bugs are usually found resting on rough bark trees, particularly gums, but are seldom found on smooth bark trees. However, there are no such trees to be found in this area. A mystery.


These specimens are much paler than any of the reference photos I have seen, although every other detail is exactly the same. Info on the 2nd ID option, the Brown Long-headed Shield Bug (Austromalaya reticulata) can be found here: Regardless, this spotting is bound to be one of these two species.

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Neil Ross
Spotted by
Neil Ross

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Jan 28, 2014
Submitted on Jan 28, 2014

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