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Light-mantled Sooty Albatross

Phoebetria palpebrata


Smaller sooty-brown albatross (80cm/2.75kg). Sooty-brown head, throat and wings, back from nape to tail ash-grey and underparts brown-grey. It has a quite fine black bill with a light bluish stripe along the lower mandible, a partial white eye ring, brown eye and dull flesh coloured legs and feet.


Circumpolar throughout the Southern Ocean. These images of a bird just south of the Auckland Islands. Red Listed as NT.


A solitary breeder, these birds nest biannually. Last image is a cropped one to show the diagnostic light blue line on the lower mandible known as the sulcus.

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JoshuaGSmith 8 years ago

Absolutely excellent series! You must have a great camera rig

triggsturner 9 years ago

Thank you Laura. I love them too. They are such gentle looking birds and often seen in their pairs as they soar above the ocean. Thank you for joining my mission, you are most welcome.

LauraMaria 9 years ago

Oh, these guys are my favourite! Such beautifully clear shots, what a fantastic spotting.

triggsturner 9 years ago

Thanks Polilla.

triggsturner 9 years ago

Thanks Mark. Never really looked at them like that before, but now you mention it . . . . .

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 9 years ago

Great shots and what a great looking bird. Looks like it's had its face up an exhaust pipe.

Spotted by

New Zealand

Spotted on Nov 3, 2013
Submitted on May 11, 2015

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