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Persius Duskywing

Erynnis persius


Smallish about 1 1/2 inches across. Spent all the time I watched it on wood or ground where it blended in and almost disappeared with its muted earth colours. Frayed edges on wings.


Wildflower meadow on Strawberry Flats in Manning Park, BC. North Cascades Mountain Range. Never saw it land on a wildflower though!


Lots of lupines in this meadow, which is the caterpillar food plant! Flies May, June and July so right on for habitat and season. Enjoyed reading Butterflies of BC by John Acorn and Ian Sheldon who claim that you cannot ID the Persius from the Pacuvius. Hmmm.

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Thanks for the ID help Machi! I am going to go with Persius Duskywing for several reasons. The other 2 species that are basically identical to the Persius are Pacuvius and Afranius. The Afranius can be ruled out because it only occurs in the northern part of our province near New Aiyansh and the Pacuvius feeds on ceanothus as a caterpillar and only flies in May and June.

Machi 8 years ago

One of the Duskywings. Check these:

Spotted by

British Columbia, Canada

Spotted on Jul 13, 2016
Submitted on Jul 22, 2016

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