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Kalij pheasant

Lophura leucomelanos


This kalij pheasant crossed the road abruptly as I was driving. Since he was meandering around the middle of the narrow road, I stopped for pictures. This male was soon followed by several females and some juveniles. They all hopped into the bushes after a second car pulled close to them.


The kalij pheasant is native to South Asia, i.e. the Himalayas in India and Pakistan. In the US, it can only be found in Hawaii, where it was introduced in 1962. This individual was spotted in the rainforest of Volcanoes National Park.


Males are mostly black with red faces, whereas females are brown.

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mauna Kunzah
mauna Kunzah 2 years ago

Thank you, Ainsley!

Ainsley Stinson
Ainsley Stinson 2 years ago

Beautiful photos! Amazing bird!

mauna Kunzah
Spotted by
mauna Kunzah

Volcano, Hawaii, United States

Spotted on Jan 4, 2013
Submitted on Mar 17, 2013

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