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Red sea cucumber

Cucumaria miniata


The Red sea cucumber is usually found between rocks or in crevices. Striking orange-red colors.


Spotted in a tide pool at low tide at Tongue Point.


Cucumaria miniata can be found from northern Alaska to northern Mexico. They live in rocky areas from the intertidal zone to a depth of 100 m, and are generally found wedged in crevices on docks or between rocks. Since they have the ability to stay attached to a substrate, they tend to frequent areas with higher currents in order to avoid predation.(Wikipedia)

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Brian38 5 years ago

Thanks Neil. I added another picture. I'm not sure what the thing on the right is. Part of it looks like a chiton and part of it looks like a shell. Whatever it is it isn't related to the sea cucumber. It was well protected under a rocky ledge and out of the water for the moment as it was low tide, but I couldn't inspect it any closer because I had a large pool separating me from it.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 5 years ago

Cool spotting, Brian. Is this specimen under water, and is it coming out of a tube (on the right). Quite bizarre.

Spotted by

Washington, USA

Spotted on Apr 21, 2019
Submitted on May 4, 2019

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