A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Green with white horizontal stripes. Head looks like the tip of a
The species is known for its wooly body and pink and yellow coloration, which ...
Crimson Red body with 6 Creamy "Antique" ...
Light brown, gilled mushroom showing what appears to be a dark spore print on ...
near the top start to turn orange and red ...
campus, one always observes it to his left. It is one of the
foods are mainly tree buds and flowers, ...
variation: even seedlings from the same parent
position. Size: 2 inches (5.08 cm) Feeds on Deciduous
This tiny moth is only 4 mm long. I thought it was a
Acer palmatum is a deciduous shrub or small
It has the largest leaves of any maple, ...
-tinged or yellowish leaves. The leaf-stalk ...
leaves of some maples, most easily ...
, the snowball tree, supposedly originated. ...