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0 0 Maple leaf.

Maple leaf.

by daltonSouth Carolina, USA


0 0 Red maple

Red maple

by muskopf1Millstadt, Illinois, USA

Red leaves

0 0 Red Maple

Red Maple

by Cinco_SiMaryland, USA

0 0 Hybridized Norway/Silver Maple

Hybridized Norway/Silver Maple

by noah.musicianMichigan, USA

Deeply cut red

0 0 Red Maple Tree

Red Maple Tree

by Keelin DinesMaryland, USA

The Red

0 0 Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple

Massachusetts, USA

Maroon, red leaves. Opposite leaves. ...

0 0 Ocellate Gall Midge

Ocellate Gall Midge

by QWMomKennesaw, Georgia, USA

Raised spots on the leaves maple

0 0 Red Maple

Red Maple

by Lee WilliamsFlorida, USA

About 50ft. tall. About 4-5ft. trunk circumference. No

0 10 Red Maple tree leaf stain

Red Maple tree leaf stain

by GeodialistHybla Valley, Virginia, USA

Photo 1 of 5 shows a Red

0 1 Maple Leaf Spot Gall

Maple Leaf Spot Gall

by astyndallMaryland, USA

spots that are red and white

1 0 Red Maple

Red Maple

by PucaKWinder, Georgia, USA

The red

0 0 Spider


by RedRockUtah, USA

Small, brown spider. Banded legs. Fuzzy, narrow abdomen. Approx 1.25 cm long.

1 0 Spotting


by LeslieBushCorpuzVirginia Beach, Virginia, USA

Green with white horizontal stripes. Head looks like the tip of a

4 1 Rosy Maple Moth

Rosy Maple Moth

by BonnieLewisGeorgia, USA

The species is known for its wooly body and pink and yellow coloration, which ...

1 0 Red Maple

Red Maple

by StevenBercikPennsylvania, USA

Bark is light brown.Leaf is smooth on top, ...

4 0 Red Two-spotted tree Cricket

Red Two-spotted tree Cricket

by BkriptoPennsylvania, USA

Crimson Red body with 6 Creamy "Antique" ...

0 0 Box Elder Maple

Box Elder Maple

by RedRockUtah, USA

A species of Maple

0 0 Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple

Reading, Massachusetts, USA

This leaf is simple and alternate, as well ...

0 0 Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple

by BrianM.GwynAlabama, USA

Native to Asia, this maple is commonly ...

0 0 Red Maple

Red Maple

by Karen HilemanFlorida, USA

flowers are most often red. Some of the ...

2 1 Pink Leafhopper

Pink Leafhopper

by BkriptoPennsylvania, USA

Transparent wings with Orange & Yellow legs,

1 1 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

The stem of a dried Sugar Maple

1 7 Agrocybe praecox

Agrocybe praecox

by JeanSawatzkyChilliwack, British Columbia, Canada

Light brown, gilled mushroom showing what appears to be a dark spore print on ...

0 0 Red Maple Tree

Red Maple Tree

by 4D4GprojectnoahNew Maryland, New Brunswick, Canada


0 0 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by andoverbiologyAndover, Massachusetts, USA

near the top start to turn orange and red ...

1 2 Maple Bladder Galls

Maple Bladder Galls

by CourtneyVerkOntario, Canada

Maple bladder galls occur on silver and ...

0 0 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by QWMomKennesaw, Georgia, USA

time. They also share a tendency with red ...

0 0 Red Maple

Red Maple

by 20llehrmannMaryland, USA

change to a type of red color and it will ...

1 0 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by andoverbiologyAndover, Massachusetts, USA

campus, one always observes it to his left. It is one of the

0 2 Maple


by HeatherMillerDecatur, Georgia, USA

I spotted this same type of tree a few ...

0 0 American Holly

American Holly

by 21zbarrickMaryland, USA

disease problems. The tree offers clusters ...

7 4 Eastern Fox Squirrel

Eastern Fox Squirrel

by Small WondersGrand Rapids, Michigan, USA

foods are mainly tree buds and flowers, ...

5 2 Japanese Maple (seed)

Japanese Maple (seed)

by BenjiSun杭州 (Hangzhou), Paracel Islands

variation: even seedlings from the same parent

0 0 Red maple

Red maple

by Maria dBChapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

its range, red

0 1 Red alder

Red alder

by shebebusynowOregon, USA

Broad-leafed, deciduous hardwood

3 3 Giant Leopard Moth Caterpillar

Giant Leopard Moth Caterpillar

by CarolSnowMilnePennsylvania, USA

position. Size: 2 inches (5.08 cm) Feeds on Deciduous

14 7 Leaf Blotch Miner Moth

Leaf Blotch Miner Moth

by LaurenZarateChiapas, Mexico

This tiny moth is only 4 mm long. I thought it was a

1 1 California incense cedar

California incense cedar

by shebebusynowOregon, USA

Very large tree with small scales rather ...

0 0 Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple

by Marta RubioTexeiraMeise, Vlaanderen, Belgium

Acer palmatum is a deciduous shrub or small

7 1 Firewheel Tree

Firewheel Tree

by MacChristiansenQLD, Australia

green, lobed leaves are similar to those of

0 0 Big Leaf Maple

Big Leaf Maple

by EdwardNathanReulbachJr.Silverdale, Washington, USA

It has the largest leaves of any maple, ...

0 0 Red Maple.

Red Maple.

by Fyn KyndMaine, USA

. The largest known living red

1 0 Red Maple (Fruit)

Red Maple (Fruit)

by QWMomGeorgia, USA

A. rubrum is one of the most abundant and widespread

1 6 Sycamore maple, Arce blanco

Sycamore maple, Arce blanco

by arlandaNavarredonda de Gredos, Castilla y León, Spain

-tinged or yellowish leaves. The leaf-stalk ...

2 12 Abutilon


by asergioCuritiba, Paraná, Brazil

. On time, the flowers give way to star-shaped, bright

8 8 Snowball Tree

Snowball Tree

by LarsKorbSchönstedt, Freistaat Thüringen, Germany

leaves of some maples, most easily ...

10 0 Guelder rose

Guelder rose

by JaeDeventer, Overijssel, Netherlands

, the snowball tree, supposedly originated. ...

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