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Birds of the Southeast U.S.
382 participants
7,000 spottings

Birds of the Southeast U.S.

For spottings of bird species in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North ...

The Owls of Florida
87 participants
95 spottings

The Owls of Florida

Owls are an incredible group of mostly nocturnal raptors that specialize in small mammals, arthropods, birds, and ...

Butterflies of Florida
282 participants
1,456 spottings

Butterflies of Florida

Logging sightings of Florida butterflies, caterpillars, eggs and chrysalis to help determine population and ...

Cranes of Eastern USA
159 participants
95 spottings

Cranes of Eastern USA

Cranes can be found on 5 continents and in the cultural traditions, mythology, and folklore of many cultures. A ...

Shorebirds of the Gulf Coast
78 participants
498 spottings

Shorebirds of the Gulf Coast

Shorebirds (Charadriiformes) are mostly strong-flying birds of open country or open water, nesting on the ground ...

289 participants
744 spottings


This mission seeks to record observations of Anolis lizards wherever they may occur in the Western hemisphere -- ...

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