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You can call me Vee! : )
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Using a point-and-shoot digital canon camera!
*Joined PN 01/13/2012!

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LarsKorb ReeceJones HeatherMiller Dan Doucette
Jacob Gorneau VSteven MarilynC EdwinTeddyZizak
KingFisher rstillings 4 2 KingFisher
Cross Orbweaver ThePalGuy 1 0 Cross Orbweaver
Eastern Milk Snake TKBotting 2 1 Eastern Milk Snake
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly TKBotting 1 0 Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Spotting AntónioGinjaGinja 6 14 Spotting
Disturbed Tigerwing NachoGamboa 13 12 Disturbed Tigerwing
Large wild iris July Llanes-Bonilla 2 9 Large wild iris
Punchinello DigantaGogoi 9 1 Punchinello
Saturniid Moth RachaelB 38 26 Saturniid Moth
Southern Gatekeeper (female) jp.coelho 9 1 Southern Gatekeeper (female)
Borboleta-zebra VictorGago 7 1 Borboleta-zebra
Spotting NicolasGutierrezMorales 10 12 Spotting
American herring gull Nopayahnah 5 3 American herring gull
Pintail Beetle, aka Tumbling Flower Beetle Christiane 3 9 Pintail Beetle, aka Tumbling Flower Beetle
Spotting NickLombardi 4 0 Spotting
Cup Lichen arlanda 46 70 Cup Lichen
Pincushion Cactus LuisStevens 7 4 Pincushion Cactus
Fire wheel or Indian Blanket rodney.s.hayes 2 0 Fire wheel or Indian Blanket
Shortfin Lionfish Blogie 4 0 Shortfin Lionfish
Luna Moth valleyhomecooperative 9 6 Luna Moth
Porcelain Fungus LarsKorb 17 9 Porcelain Fungus
Sedum LarsKorb 1 0 Sedum
Yew, fruit LarsKorb 5 3 Yew, fruit
Spotting LarsKorb 8 3 Spotting
Candlestick Fungus LarsKorb 18 9 Candlestick Fungus
Mycena LarsKorb 9 8 Mycena
Nursery Web Spider web LarsKorb 8 6 Nursery Web Spider web
Deer Fern LarsKorb 3 10 Deer Fern
False Shamrock LarsKorb 7 1 False Shamrock
frosted Daisy LarsKorb 12 6 frosted Daisy
Turkey vulture KarenL 9 12 Turkey vulture
Glory-of-the-Snow jgorneau 3 6 Glory-of-the-Snow
Passion flower AmyZimmer 3 0 Passion flower
Bromelaid AmyZimmer 2 0 Bromelaid
Beauty berry AmyZimmer 5 0 Beauty berry
Bird of paradise AmyZimmer 1 2 Bird of paradise
Water hyacinth coleen.sucgang 6 1 Water hyacinth
Heliconia (Ethilia Longwing) asergio 4 2 Heliconia (Ethilia Longwing)
Blue Peafowl NachoGamboa 7 2 Blue Peafowl
Clustered Toughshank AlexKonig 3 0 Clustered Toughshank
Polydamas Swallowtail florida33girl 2 0 Polydamas Swallowtail
Spotting SmallWonders 2 2 Spotting
Spotting SmallWonders 1 0 Spotting
Pink Calla Alexander Beltrán 3 0 Pink Calla
Eastern Black Swallowtail ceherzog 7 5 Eastern Black Swallowtail
Orange Mushrooms Liam 2 0 Orange Mushrooms
Muscovy duckling CJulen 18 11 Muscovy duckling
Brown Pelican hg_williams3 1 1 Brown Pelican
Bolete Mushroom hg_williams3 1 0 Bolete Mushroom
Spotting Karo67 11 12 Spotting
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