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Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest

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Pacific Northwest
Created by

31 participants 325 spottings

The purpose of this mission is to assist Biologist, Herpers, and the General Public in learning about the local wildlife. We also want to share what we find in the great pacific northwest to the world.

Pacific Northwest

Lat: 43.80 Long: -120.55

Recent Spottings

Twelve-spotted skimmer Brian38 3 0 Twelve-spotted skimmer
Purple martin Brian38 2 0 Purple martin
Little willow flycatcher Brian38 2 0 Little willow flycatcher
Northern red-legged frog Brian38 1 0 Northern red-legged frog
Marsh wren Brian38 2 0 Marsh wren
Red-breasted sapsucker Brian38 7 0 Red-breasted sapsucker
American bittern Brian38 6 0 American bittern
California quail Brian38 10 2 California quail
Rough-legged Hawk (female) Brian38 5 0 Rough-legged Hawk (female)
Northwest Coast Coyote Brian38 16 5 Northwest Coast Coyote
Douglas’s aster Brian38 4 2 Douglas’s aster
The Prince Brian38 6 2 The Prince
Smoothstem blazingstar Brian38 3 0 Smoothstem blazingstar
Pacific tree frog (yellow morph) Brian38 5 0 Pacific tree frog (yellow morph)
Round-headed Desert Buckwheat Brian38 2 0 Round-headed Desert Buckwheat
Carey's balsamroot Brian38 1 0 Carey's balsamroot
Oregon Red-spotted Garter Snake Brian38 6 1 Oregon Red-spotted Garter Snake
Lungwort lichen Brian38 4 0 Lungwort lichen
Rough-skinned newt Brian38 5 0 Rough-skinned newt
Peregrine falcon Brian38 10 1 Peregrine falcon
Lacy crust bryozoan Brian38 3 0 Lacy crust bryozoan
Wooly Foam Lichen Brian38 2 0 Wooly Foam Lichen
Shrubby cup lichen Brian38 1 0 Shrubby cup lichen
Steindachner's shieldback Brian38 5 0 Steindachner's shieldback
Ichneumon wasp Brian38 4 0 Ichneumon wasp
Yellow-pine chipmunk Brian38 5 0 Yellow-pine chipmunk
Darkling beetle Brian38 3 1 Darkling beetle
Townsend's chipmunk Brian38 6 0 Townsend's chipmunk
Rufous hummingbird (male) Brian38 7 0 Rufous hummingbird (male)
Sooty Song Sparrow Brian38 7 0 Sooty Song Sparrow
Northern pintail (male) Brian38 6 2 Northern pintail (male)
Giant House Spider Brian38 5 5 Giant House Spider
Blue-green sharpshooter Brian38 6 2 Blue-green sharpshooter
Brownlined Looper Brian38 8 0 Brownlined Looper
Northern raven Brian38 7 0 Northern raven
Narrow-headed Marsh Fly Brian38 4 0 Narrow-headed Marsh Fly
Red-winged blackbird (juvenile male) Brian38 5 2 Red-winged blackbird (juvenile male)
Townsend's ground squirrel Brian38 7 0 Townsend's ground squirrel
Beewolf Brian38 5 0 Beewolf
Oregon Ensatina Brian38 10 5 Oregon Ensatina
Red-breasted sapsucker Brian38 6 0 Red-breasted sapsucker
March fly Brian38 1 0 March fly
Jellied Bird's Nest Fungus Brian38 9 2 Jellied Bird's Nest Fungus
Cuckoo wasp Brian38 1 0 Cuckoo wasp
Oak Jumping Spider Brian38 5 0 Oak Jumping Spider
Western Paper Wasp Brian38 4 0 Western Paper Wasp
Cross Potter Wasp Brian38 1 0 Cross Potter Wasp
Spotted spreadwing (female) Brian38 2 0 Spotted spreadwing (female)
Grass-carrying wasp Brian38 2 0 Grass-carrying wasp
Spotted fly Brian38 1 0 Spotted fly

Recently joined

Brian38 Tera2 tana.d.wood GinaJeannot
Kathryn Curran Magginoel TiffanySchindler RaphaelMun
acebennyb amiablehermit KelcieHollingsworth wigglyfish
MaggieNoel DarleneKBoggs jamiea
spartan.pilot01 steveabs57 Giovani Shou
ANTHONY Brian Alkire Kyle Fankhauser Susan Marie Andersson
Stephen Warner PatFox Olive is my dog dsuhrbur
peterzockoll PedroTanori bwhit2025
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