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Hymenoptera of the world -- bees, ants and all their friends

Hymenoptera of the world -- bees, ants and all their friends

Photos of bees, wasps, ants and sawflies are welcome. *Edited by Project Noah management team to comply with user-created mission rules. Sign in to join mission

Hymenoptera of the world -- bees, ants and all their friends
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102 participants 1,780 spottings

The representatives of Hymenoptera order display a remarkable diversity not only of shapes and colours, but also of behaviours and lifestyles. Insect sociality, highly specific parasitism, various kinds of maternal care -- all these fascinating natural phenomena are displayed by insects from this order. We, humans, owe to them pollination of our crops and in many instances natural pest control. Help us document the amazing diversity of how they look and how they behave.

Hymenoptera of the world -- bees, ants and all their friends

Lat: 32.07 Long: 34.78

Recent Spottings

Asiatic Honey Bee John B. 2 0 Asiatic Honey Bee
Giant furrow bee arlanda 2 0 Giant furrow bee
Green Ants Mark Ridgway 3 0 Green Ants
White-tailed Bumblebee arne.roysland 1 0 White-tailed Bumblebee
Large-headed Resin Bee arne.roysland 1 0 Large-headed Resin Bee
Figwort Sawfly arne.roysland 2 0 Figwort Sawfly
Green Tree Ant Leuba Ridgway 2 0 Green Tree Ant
Green-head ant Leuba Ridgway 3 0 Green-head ant
Carpenter Ant arne.roysland 1 0 Carpenter Ant
Chalcid Wasp Leuba Ridgway 2 0 Chalcid Wasp
Armed Spiny Ant arne.roysland 1 0 Armed Spiny Ant
Zebra Spider Wasp Leuba Ridgway 3 0 Zebra Spider Wasp
Black Spider Wasp arne.roysland 2 0 Black Spider Wasp
Ichneumon Wasp arne.roysland 3 0 Ichneumon Wasp
Three-banded Mason Wasp arne.roysland 2 2 Three-banded Mason Wasp
Javelin Wasp arne.roysland 4 2 Javelin Wasp
Ichneumon Wasp arne.roysland 1 0 Ichneumon Wasp
Digger Wasp arne.roysland 1 0 Digger Wasp
Blotch-winged Honeysuckle Sawfly arne.roysland 1 0 Blotch-winged Honeysuckle Sawfly
Ichneumon Wasp arne.roysland 1 0 Ichneumon Wasp
Common Red Ant arne.roysland 1 0 Common Red Ant
Saxon Wasp arne.roysland 1 0 Saxon Wasp
Noble Wasp-Sawfly arne.roysland 1 0 Noble Wasp-Sawfly
Asian Honeybee arne.roysland 1 0 Asian Honeybee
Philippine Black Potter Wasp arne.roysland 4 0 Philippine Black Potter Wasp
Asian Weaver Ant nest arne.roysland 3 1 Asian Weaver Ant nest
Philippine Giant Honey Bee arne.roysland 2 0 Philippine Giant Honey Bee
Winged ant arne.roysland 1 0 Winged ant
Adelaide's Muscleman Ant Mark Ridgway 5 0 Adelaide's Muscleman Ant
Ichneumon Wasp arne.roysland 1 0 Ichneumon Wasp
Yellow-sided Clover-sawfly arne.roysland 3 0 Yellow-sided Clover-sawfly
Four-toothed mason wasp Brian38 2 0 Four-toothed mason wasp
Eastern Tawny-horned Spider Wasp Brian38 1 0 Eastern Tawny-horned Spider Wasp
Ichneumon wasp BugEric 3 0 Ichneumon wasp
Turnip Sawfly arne.roysland 1 0 Turnip Sawfly
Braconid wasp BugEric 3 0 Braconid wasp
Spider wasp BugEric 1 0 Spider wasp
Pristaulacus fasciatus BugEric 1 1 Pristaulacus fasciatus
Beetle-killing wasp arne.roysland 3 0 Beetle-killing wasp
Large Ichneumon Wasp arne.roysland 2 0 Large Ichneumon Wasp
Red Reed Bee Mark Ridgway 2 0 Red Reed Bee
Sawfly arne.roysland 2 1 Sawfly
Parasitic wasp female Mark Ridgway 6 0 Parasitic wasp female
Club horned sawfly arne.roysland 1 0 Club horned sawfly
Common wasp arne.roysland 1 0 Common wasp
Sweat bee arne.roysland 1 0 Sweat bee
Mud-dauber wasp Zlatan Celebic 5 1 Mud-dauber wasp
Asian Hornet Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Asian Hornet
Blue-eyed ensign wasp arne.roysland 8 2 Blue-eyed ensign wasp
Ichneumon Wasp Leuba Ridgway 5 0 Ichneumon Wasp

Recently joined

John B. Senda Kala arne.roysland Brian38
Matthew Hammond Raksha Zlatan Celebic Tukup
Jamie Grant Oscar Neto Ahmed Mujcinovic Ray Perry
Felix Fleck Tania17 JamesPriest2 KostasZontanos
NickKing Chris Taklis BrunoMoller triggsturner
FredLuizRomeiro Machi DespinaTsafetopoulou DanielePralong
ManuSabherwal Xinxin TheAlbatross Rahul Upadhyay
James McNair IvanPancic TamaraMiranda Jopy
Hannah Davis Sckel PutkovAlexander Joey Bee
Vinny joanbstanley EvaV Paul Davis
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