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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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Birds of the World
12,837 participants
105,280 spottings

Birds of the World

There are over 10,000 living species of birds on the planet. They can be found in ecosystems across the globe, ...

Symbiotic Relationships
1,024 participants
1,648 spottings

Symbiotic Relationships

Symbiosis is close and often long-term interaction between different biological species. There are many example of ...

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners
2,519 participants
3,382 spottings

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners

Curious which vegetable varieties might grow best in your garden? Cornell researchers are, too. We compile ...

Pollinating Insects of the World
1,418 participants
11,769 spottings

Pollinating Insects of the World

Insects are the most important pollinators of flowering plants (Angiosperms). They are very valuable for humans, ...

Herbs & Spices – Source Plants
1,592 participants
2,640 spottings

Herbs & Spices – Source Plants

Herbs & spices have been used since ancient times. They have been used for cooking, as medicines, in religion, ...

Global Schoolyard Bioblitz!
2,881 participants
5,291 spottings

Global Schoolyard Bioblitz!

Teachers and students, start documenting and sharing the wildlife you encounter in and around your school sites! ...

Fruiting Bodies of the World
1,137 participants
6,262 spottings

Fruiting Bodies of the World

This mission is about mapping all the different kinds of fruiting bodies around the world. This doesn't ...

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