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National Geographic's Great Nature Project
2,844 participants
66,545 spottings

National Geographic's Great ...

National Geographic is urging everyone to get outside to explore nature. Participants are asked to contribute ...

Illinois Prairies
59 participants
260 spottings

Illinois Prairies

The mission is to document native prairie plants and animals remaining in Illinois and found in the wild.

Illinois River Watershed Ecosystem
35 participants
70 spottings

Illinois River Watershed ...

Documentation of the various species in the Illinois River watershed ecosystem from its confluence with the ...

Mammals of KY, TN, IL, OH, MI.
183 participants
175 spottings

Mammals of KY, TN, IL, OH, MI.

Only submit photos within the range shown by the map.

Midwestern gardens
212 participants
2,003 spottings

Midwestern gardens

Intended to document the beauty and wildlife existing in home-based gardens in the Midwestern United States.

Critters of the Midwest
428 participants
3,202 spottings

Critters of the Midwest

This mission documents all the critters of the Midwest (includes both insects and animals).

Raptors of North America
1,343 participants
4,065 spottings

Raptors of North America

Raptors (Birds of Prey - Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, Owls and Vultures) are found throughout North America - from the ...

The Color Blue
2,540 participants
5,862 spottings

The Color Blue

There are so many incredible animals in the color blue. However, at the same time, they are few when considering ...

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