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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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Bhagya Herath
Dilan Chathuranga The MnMs MirkoTomasi
Eastern Assassin Bugs
298 participants
330 spottings

Eastern Assassin Bugs

The assassin bugs, family Reduviidae, is one of the largest families of true bugs in the order Hemiptera. There ...

Parental care in insects and other invertebrates
518 participants
318 spottings

Parental care in insects and ...

[PLEASE READ the instructions under Overview first!*]. Did you know that some of the lesser creatures engage in ...

Interaction between different species of Arthropods
764 participants
1,756 spottings

Interaction between different ...

The objective of this mission is to collect pictures of the interaction between different species of arthropods. ...

Animals with Warning Colors
879 participants
1,589 spottings

Animals with Warning Colors

Many animals use colors in the opposite way of camouflage. They have bright colors wich make them highly ...

Primate Watch
784 participants
1,475 spottings

Primate Watch

The Primate Specialist Group is a network of scientists and conservationists who stand against the tide of ...

Symbiotic Relationships
1,024 participants
1,649 spottings

Symbiotic Relationships

Symbiosis is close and often long-term interaction between different biological species. There are many example of ...

Rare Color Morphs
1,029 participants
759 spottings

Rare Color Morphs

If you find an animal or plant that is not it's normal color, please add it to this mission. Though rare, ...

Backyard Habitats of the World
1,738 participants
13,843 spottings

Backyard Habitats of the World

Some of the most remarkable nature and wildlife can be seen right in your own backyard! The focus of this mission ...

Nature in Yellow
2,421 participants
12,709 spottings

Nature in Yellow

It would be so interesting to see all the yellow flowers, fruits, insects, animals of the world.

Signs of Wildlife
2,986 participants
6,113 spottings

Signs of Wildlife

If you look carefully, there are signs of wildlife everywhere. From subtle animal tracks and abandoned spider ...

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