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Dangerous Plants of South Eastern USA

Dangerous Plants of South Eastern USA

Provide identification means of plant and description of danger source. Example: Poison Ivy: Three sets of leaves, shrub (also comes in climbing vine and trailing vine varieties.) Danger source: Urishiol contained within the sap, avoid breaking or crushing the leaves and stems . Causes skin irritation and rashes. Sign in to join mission

Dangerous Plants of South Eastern USA
Created by


Website 59 participants 55 spottings

Identification of dangerous plants in the Southeastern USA. Includes fruit, berries, leaves, etc. Create a traveling reference via Smartphone, etc.

Dangerous Plants of South Eastern USA

Lat: 34.83 Long: -84.78

Recent Spottings

Wild Blackberry Bush Life Is Like a Lime 1 2 Wild Blackberry Bush
Beechwood Sickener Life Is Like a Lime 1 0 Beechwood Sickener
Yellow American Blusher Life Is Like a Lime 1 0 Yellow American Blusher
Horse Nettle Life Is Like a Lime 1 0 Horse Nettle
Poison Ivy Life Is Like a Lime 1 0 Poison Ivy
Horse Nettle Life Is Like a Lime 1 0 Horse Nettle
Poison Oak Life Is Like a Lime 1 0 Poison Oak
Indian Pink Life Is Like a Lime 5 0 Indian Pink
American Blusher Sherrié 2 0 American Blusher
Apocynaceae rewindtheyes 1 0 Apocynaceae
Jack-in-the-Pulpit Fruit KenCheeks 1 0 Jack-in-the-Pulpit Fruit
Poison Ivy KenCheeks 1 0 Poison Ivy
Dutchman's Breeches KenCheeks 4 0 Dutchman's Breeches
Wild Comfrey KenCheeks 2 0 Wild Comfrey
Jack-in-the-pulpit KenCheeks 1 0 Jack-in-the-pulpit
Spear Thistle ColtMooney 0 0 Spear Thistle
Wild Carrot ColtMooney 1 3 Wild Carrot
Coastal Pricklypear sarah in the woods 1 0 Coastal Pricklypear
Poison Oak (Run Away) TeresaBurke 0 0 Poison Oak (Run Away)
Red Maple sarah in the woods 1 0 Red Maple
Poison Ivy ColtMooney 0 0 Poison Ivy
Devil’s Walking-stick KenCheeks 1 0 Devil’s Walking-stick
Sassafras Tree Flowers KenCheeks 2 1 Sassafras Tree Flowers
Flame Azalea KenCheeks 1 1 Flame Azalea
Violet Woodsorrel KenCheeks 2 0 Violet Woodsorrel
Eastern North American Destroying Angel KenCheeks 1 0 Eastern North American Destroying Angel
Red Buckeye KenCheeks 1 0 Red Buckeye
Pokeweed, has reddish stems JOHN2 0 0 Pokeweed, has reddish stems
Poke weed smcrenshaw 0 1 Poke weed
Mayapple KenCheeks 0 0 Mayapple
White Baneberry KenCheeks 0 0 White Baneberry
Yellow Jessamine KenCheeks 0 0 Yellow Jessamine
Common Buttonbush KenCheeks 0 0 Common Buttonbush
Virginia Creeper KenCheeks 0 1 Virginia Creeper
Bloodwort or Bloodroot KenCheeks 0 0 Bloodwort or Bloodroot
Yellow Jessamine KenCheeks 0 0 Yellow Jessamine
Yellow Fumewort KenCheeks 0 0 Yellow Fumewort
English Ivy KenCheeks 0 0 English Ivy
Cactus KenCheeks 0 0 Cactus
Rough Cocklebur KenCheeks 0 0 Rough Cocklebur
American Mistletoe KenCheeks 0 0 American Mistletoe
Poison Ivy carrwn 0 0 Poison Ivy
Eastern Poison Ivy (with fruit) QWMom 0 0 Eastern Poison Ivy (with fruit)
White Snakeroot QWMom 0 0 White Snakeroot
American Bittersweet sarah in the woods 0 0 American Bittersweet
Japanese Honeysuckle KenCheeks 0 0 Japanese Honeysuckle
Poison Ivy sarah in the woods 0 0 Poison Ivy
Honey locusts ColtMooney 0 0 Honey locusts
Oleander QWMom 0 0 Oleander
Carolina Horsenettle KenCheeks 0 0 Carolina Horsenettle

Recently joined

Life Is Like a Lime Seth4 KatyeBennettWood jenne.stiller
TeresaBurke jbstrange2202 TTaylor shinleveranna
vilasbirdrefuge rohanberg nursejurs BerrianA.HobbyIV
sarah in the woods the-forest-room2 JennieDoomsday Evergreen
ColtMooney AndreavonW SharonThompson candi.brock
LCHinchey JOHN2 QWMom jeffs5326
LindaBraun TaylorRobertson Saladmander DanielSpurgeon
jinxieruthie LanaSutton cme KenCheeks
rewindtheyes Mandy Hollman TiffanyRussellGuinn bobbieleatalo
expeditionmission AustinS kristenkite EricNeumann
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