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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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Deborah Arief

Deborah Arief

Am a daughter, nature lover, amateur wild life photographer, high schooler.


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Atul Ashish LauraMaria alicelongmartin
Backyard Habitats of the World
1,738 participants
13,843 spottings

Backyard Habitats of the World

Some of the most remarkable nature and wildlife can be seen right in your own backyard! The focus of this mission ...

Parental care in insects and other invertebrates
518 participants
318 spottings

Parental care in insects and ...

[PLEASE READ the instructions under Overview first!*]. Did you know that some of the lesser creatures engage in ...

Fruiting Bodies of the World
1,138 participants
6,265 spottings

Fruiting Bodies of the World

This mission is about mapping all the different kinds of fruiting bodies around the world. This doesn't ...

The Color Blue
2,540 participants
5,871 spottings

The Color Blue

There are so many incredible animals in the color blue. However, at the same time, they are few when considering ...

Nature in Yellow
2,421 participants
12,709 spottings

Nature in Yellow

It would be so interesting to see all the yellow flowers, fruits, insects, animals of the world.

NWF: Watch for Wildlife!
1,148 participants
6,453 spottings

NWF: Watch for Wildlife!

We here at the National Wildlife Federation are celebrating our 74th annual National Wildlife Week! This year we ...

Signs of Wildlife
2,986 participants
6,113 spottings

Signs of Wildlife

If you look carefully, there are signs of wildlife everywhere. From subtle animal tracks and abandoned spider ...

The Color Red
5,861 participants
15,047 spottings

The Color Red

The color red is a bold color that represents passion. We would like to create a collection of wildlife images ...

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners
2,519 participants
3,382 spottings

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners

Curious which vegetable varieties might grow best in your garden? Cornell researchers are, too. We compile ...

Nests, hives, bowers, webs & other animal architecture
2,960 participants
9,521 spottings

Nests, hives, bowers, webs & ...

This mission is to document the incredible architectural abilities of animals from all genera.

Global Schoolyard Bioblitz!
2,882 participants
5,292 spottings

Global Schoolyard Bioblitz!

Teachers and students, start documenting and sharing the wildlife you encounter in and around your school sites! ...

Trees of the World
950 participants
5,006 spottings

Trees of the World

A collection of trees and their characteristics worldwide.

Butterflies & Moths of the World
8,545 participants
78,343 spottings

Butterflies & Moths of the World

Butterflies and Moths are insects of the order Lepidoptera. Their brilliant colors have inspired artistic ...

WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity
7,224 participants
45,502 spottings

WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity

Millions of city-dwellers walk their local streets every day, but many overlook the multitude of animals and ...

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