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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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Wild Things
Mustafa Rustom HarumKoh Fyn Kynd maplemoth662
The Lost Ladybug Project
5,575 participants
3,378 spottings

The Lost Ladybug Project

Across North America ladybug species distribution is changing. We're asking you to join us in finding out where ...

Mushroom Mapping
6,130 participants
29,013 spottings

Mushroom Mapping

Mushroom ecology is a pivotal orientation point for exploring urban systems. Help us gather important data and ...

International Spider Survey
3,941 participants
20,115 spottings

International Spider Survey

Spiders are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs. The International Society of Arachnology is the ...

Amphibians of the World
2,401 participants
7,500 spottings

Amphibians of the World

Lethal fungi, habitat loss, and predators have caused severe declines in amphibian populations around the world. ...

Hunters & Animal Food Habits
1,013 participants
4,487 spottings

Hunters & Animal Food Habits

This mission is to document the food habits of animals from all genera.

Snakes of the World
1,965 participants
4,845 spottings

Snakes of the World

A mission to document the beautiful snakes species from around the world.

634 participants
10,264 spottings


Beetles are the most diverse group of organisms on Earth. They are found on six continents in almost every ...

Flowers of Europe
1,935 participants
13,116 spottings

Flowers of Europe

We want you to help us build a photo collection of flowers from around the world. Show us what flowers are ...

Birds of the World
12,841 participants
105,330 spottings

Birds of the World

There are over 10,000 living species of birds on the planet. They can be found in ecosystems across the globe, ...

Global Dragonflies & Damselflies
4,948 participants
12,690 spottings

Global Dragonflies & Damselflies

Dragonflies and damselflies are agile insects of the order Odonata. With a worldwide distribution and over 5,000 ...

Butterflies & Moths of the World
8,545 participants
78,343 spottings

Butterflies & Moths of the World

Butterflies and Moths are insects of the order Lepidoptera. Their brilliant colors have inspired artistic ...

2012 Best Wildlife Photo
1,252 participants
12,913 spottings

2012 Best Wildlife Photo

We're calling for your best wildlife photos. This featured mission is open to all members from all over the world ...

Eggs of the World
1,354 participants
2,258 spottings

Eggs of the World

Nothing is more symbolic to life in this world than the egg. Like wildlife itself, eggs come in all shapes and ...

Nature in Yellow
2,421 participants
12,709 spottings

Nature in Yellow

It would be so interesting to see all the yellow flowers, fruits, insects, animals of the world.

Butterflies of Turkey
1 participant
1 spotting

Butterflies of Turkey

This mission is to spot the butterflies of Turkey. Share what you find in Turkey. Don't forget to add descriptive ...

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