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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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Malcolm Wilton-Jones

Malcolm Wilton-Jones

Noah Ranger, Wildlife Photographer, Glider Pilot, World Traveller. Retired to Spain for 12 years, now in Cornwall, and less travelling.

Planet Earth 40ºN 0ºE

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Fantastic Figs of Borneo
6 participants
38 spottings

Fantastic Figs of Borneo

When the word "Fig" is mentioned, most of us will think of the commercialized edible figs but in fact Figs are ...

2020 Best Wildlife Photo
100 participants
1,934 spottings

2020 Best Wildlife Photo

Project Noah is calling for your best wildlife photos! This mission is open to members from all over the world and ...

2019 Best Wildlife Photo - Species Interactions Special!
161 participants
995 spottings

2019 Best Wildlife Photo - ...

We're calling for your best wildlife photos! The mission is for spottings submitted in 2019 fitting in our special ...

Birds of Cornwall
1 participant
1,612 spottings

Birds of Cornwall

To record all the birds which I photograph in (or close to) Cornwall

Identifying Animals Through Osteology
348 participants
504 spottings

Identifying Animals Through ...

Where there is life, there is death. Death and decomposition are a natural and sometimes beautiful part of the ...

2018 Best Wildlife Photo
196 participants
5,324 spottings

2018 Best Wildlife Photo

This mission is now terminated; please watch out for the new 2019 Best Wildlife Photo mission! We're calling again ...

Primate Watch
784 participants
1,475 spottings

Primate Watch

The Primate Specialist Group is a network of scientists and conservationists who stand against the tide of ...

2017 Best Wildlife Photo
244 participants
6,472 spottings

2017 Best Wildlife Photo

We're calling for your best wildlife photos! This mission is open to all members from all over the world and will ...

2016 Best Wildlife Photo
146 participants
5,918 spottings

2016 Best Wildlife Photo

We're calling for your best wildlife photos! This mission is open to all members from all over the world and will ...

Life on Public Lands
53 participants
707 spottings

Life on Public Lands

During National Environmental Education Week 2015, April 19-25, we're inviting you to participate in a national ...

Animals of Yala National Park
6 participants
156 spottings

Animals of Yala National Park

Please help us preserve and record the biodiversity of all the living organism belonging to the Kingdom Animalia ...

Threatened Species
27 participants
0 spottings

Threatened Species

Mission retired by Project Noah management.
Any mission which advertises the location of endangered species ...

Marvelous Mantids of the World
382 participants
1,012 spottings

Marvelous Mantids of the World

Mantids are amazing insects! Unusual and alien looking. Considered good luck in some cultures, these predatory ...

Lagoa dos Salgados Biodiversity
9 participants
310 spottings

Lagoa dos Salgados Biodiversity

Lagoa dos Salgados em perigo Save ...

Biodiversity of Sri Lanka
76 participants
6,012 spottings

Biodiversity of Sri Lanka

A Mission to Collect all Sri Lankan Spottings To One Place

Table Mountain National Park
8 participants
73 spottings

Table Mountain National Park

This mission focuses on mammals, birds and reptiles spotted in the Table Mountain National Park.

Iberian Mammals
5 participants
68 spottings

Iberian Mammals

The Iberian Peninsula is located in the southwest of Europe, and the mammal populations are biologically different ...

Butterflies of Singapore
15 participants
171 spottings

Butterflies of Singapore

Singapore has over 280 species of butterflies, each of which are unique and beautiful. With this mission, let's ...

The U.K Arthropod Survey
29 participants
1,075 spottings

The U.K Arthropod Survey

Upload your snaps of Arthropods, share pictures of your native insects. update us on their habitual and ...

African Mammals in the Wild
59 participants
958 spottings

African Mammals in the Wild

To document visually the diversity of African mammals, including the cetaceans and pinnipeds.

The Bug Chicks Sofa Safari
647 participants
7,117 spottings

The Bug Chicks Sofa Safari

We're partnering with Project Noah to make our adventure truly interactive. We want you to upload pictures of ...

Longhorn Beetles (Global)
98 participants
820 spottings

Longhorn Beetles (Global)

This fascinating beetles belong to the family Cerambycidae are know as Longhorn Beetles, Long-horned Beetles or ...

Portugal's Biodiversity
154 participants
7,588 spottings

Portugal's Biodiversity

This mission has been created to collect all the information about Portugal's Biodiversity

Spiders of the British Isles
20 participants
144 spottings

Spiders of the British Isles

Here are some resources that may help you to ID the species - ...

Snakes of South Africa
33 participants
68 spottings

Snakes of South Africa

Share your photos of snakes from all over South Africa. Add descriptive notes about where you made your discovery ...

Jumping Spiders of the World
696 participants
2,861 spottings

Jumping Spiders of the World

With cat like grace, agility and Teddy Bearish charms bellying their formidable predatory instincts, the jumping ...

Mission WILD
3,435 participants
43,045 spottings

Mission WILD

The WILD Foundation works to protect & interconnect at least half of the planet’s land & water to sustain the ...

National Geographic's Great Nature Project
2,844 participants
66,545 spottings

National Geographic's Great ...

National Geographic is urging everyone to get outside to explore nature. Participants are asked to contribute ...

Birds of Britain
30 participants
3,938 spottings

Birds of Britain

to document all the resident birds but also migrants that pass through on their way to warmer/colder climates. ...

The Biodiversity of Singapore
41 participants
2,553 spottings

The Biodiversity of Singapore

Singapore may have a diameter of around 10 miles, but it is not short for wildlife. There are over 280 species of ...

2013 Best Wildlife Photo
395 participants
8,747 spottings

2013 Best Wildlife Photo

We're calling for your best wildlife photos. This featured mission is open to all members from all over the world ...

Captive Animals
2,473 participants
12,348 spottings

Captive Animals

While we are all so focused on animals in nature, we ignore the fact theres wildlife in our own zoos. edit: I ...

Hunters & Animal Food Habits
1,013 participants
4,487 spottings

Hunters & Animal Food Habits

This mission is to document the food habits of animals from all genera.

Rhinos of The World
96 participants
132 spottings

Rhinos of The World

This mission is dedicated to all Rhino's of the World. The objective is to raise awareness for the rhino horn ...

Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês's Biodiversity
17 participants
117 spottings

Parque Nacional da ...

This mission has been created to collect all the information about Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês's biodiversity

Pollinating Insects of the World
1,420 participants
11,806 spottings

Pollinating Insects of the World

Insects are the most important pollinators of flowering plants (Angiosperms). They are very valuable for humans, ...

Kruger National Park, South Africa
47 participants
704 spottings

Kruger National Park, South ...

The Kruger National Park is a great destination if you love the outdoors! There is so many different ecosystems ...

Moths of the World
3,066 participants
41,568 spottings

Moths of the World

Moths? Yes: a world of sphinxes, hawks, owls, tigers, and scary eyes, all waiting for you outside your door. In ...

Birds of New Zealand
21 participants
146 spottings

Birds of New Zealand

Help us document the birdlife of New Zealand! New Zealand is home to many interesting and endemic species of ...

European Butterflies and Moths
230 participants
9,932 spottings

European Butterflies and Moths

Mission for butterflies and moths from the whole European continent

Biodiversidad en España/Spain
101 participants
21,956 spottings

Biodiversidad en España/Spain

Habitat: Indicar el sitio donde se encontró (campo, montaña, lago, mar, río...) Habitat: Enter the place where it ...

Nests, hives, bowers, webs & other animal architecture
2,960 participants
9,521 spottings

Nests, hives, bowers, webs & ...

This mission is to document the incredible architectural abilities of animals from all genera.

Birds of Sub-Saharan Africa
138 participants
3,369 spottings

Birds of Sub-Saharan Africa

Africa has impressive and beautiful birds and this mission will allow us to share and document our spottings in ...

2012 Best Wildlife Photo
1,252 participants
12,913 spottings

2012 Best Wildlife Photo

We're calling for your best wildlife photos. This featured mission is open to all members from all over the world ...

Mimetic Animals of the World
1,387 participants
5,772 spottings

Mimetic Animals of the World

One of the most striking survival strategies of animals is mimicking their environment. Mimetism can be used for ...

Symbiotic Relationships
1,024 participants
1,649 spottings

Symbiotic Relationships

Symbiosis is close and often long-term interaction between different biological species. There are many example of ...

Birds of Western Ghats
91 participants
1,058 spottings

Birds of Western Ghats

Any migratory or local bird spotted in these states are also eligible. Spotting photographs shot within political ...

Wildlife of the Niagara Region
56 participants
766 spottings

Wildlife of the Niagara Region

The Niagara Region and surrounding Golden Horseshoe is a rapidly expanding and growing area. Despite the ever ...

Birds of Iberia
92 participants
13,583 spottings

Birds of Iberia

To document and photograph all the bird species found in Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and discover their seasonal ...

Marine Mammals of the World
1,337 participants
1,084 spottings

Marine Mammals of the World

Marine mammals are a diverse group of 120 species of mammal that are primarily ocean-dwelling or depend on the ...

Global Dragonflies & Damselflies
4,948 participants
12,690 spottings

Global Dragonflies & Damselflies

Dragonflies and damselflies are agile insects of the order Odonata. With a worldwide distribution and over 5,000 ...

Signs of Wildlife
2,986 participants
6,113 spottings

Signs of Wildlife

If you look carefully, there are signs of wildlife everywhere. From subtle animal tracks and abandoned spider ...

Earth Week 2011
490 participants
821 spottings

Earth Week 2011

During Earth Week, help inspire awareness and appreciation for ecosystems across the planet through a global ...

Butterflies & Moths of the World
8,545 participants
78,343 spottings

Butterflies & Moths of the World

Butterflies and Moths are insects of the order Lepidoptera. Their brilliant colors have inspired artistic ...

Project Squirrel
5,899 participants
3,854 spottings

Project Squirrel

Fox squirrels and grey squirrels are two of the most familiar species of wildlife in many neighborhoods and ...

Flowers of Europe
1,935 participants
13,116 spottings

Flowers of Europe

We want you to help us build a photo collection of flowers from around the world. Show us what flowers are ...

2011 Best Wildlife Photo
8,511 participants
9,121 spottings

2011 Best Wildlife Photo

We're calling for your best wildlife photos. This featured mission is open to all members from all over the world ...

Birds of the World
12,841 participants
105,330 spottings

Birds of the World

There are over 10,000 living species of birds on the planet. They can be found in ecosystems across the globe, ...

Birds of Iberia
92 participants
13,583 spottings

Birds of Iberia

To document and photograph all the bird species found in Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and discover their seasonal ...

Birds of Cornwall
1 participant
1,612 spottings

Birds of Cornwall

To record all the birds which I photograph in (or close to) Cornwall

Noah Guardians
Noah Sponsors
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